72. One doesn't have to look far to realize the direct correlation between smoking and cancer. 人们不用花费很大力气就能发现抽烟和癌症之间的直接联系。
The direct correlation between self-esteem and success also applies to one's ability to achieve. 自尊和成功的直接联系也适用于一个人取得成就的能力。
This reduction in uncertainty also reduces the variance in estimations, since there is a direct correlation between these factors and the ability to produce sound estimates. 这种不确定性的削减还减少了估计中的变化,因为在这些因素和生成可靠估值的能力之间存在直接的关联。
In fact, there is no direct correlation between the transaction counts on your DPARs and your CPU utilization. 事实上,DPAR和CPU利用率上的事务处理计数之间没有直接的关联。
There is a direct correlation between each property in the class and each element that is a child of. 该类中的每一个属性和的每一个子元素之间都有一种直接联系。
However, this study, led by associate professor of management at the University Brent Scott, is the first to find a direct correlation between attractiveness and bullying in the workplace. 但是这项由密西根州立大学管理学副教授布伦特-斯科特领导的调查研究,首次证实了工作场合中长相好坏与被欺负之间的关系。
To his surprise he found a direct correlation between the age of the civilisation and the number of phonemes in its language. 他惊奇的发现,一个文明它历史的悠久度以及其语言中所包含的音素数量之间有着一个直接的联系。
Research has shown that there's a direct correlation between strong leadership and strong listening skills& and it really comes as no surprise. 研究表明强大的领导能力和强大的倾听能力是直接相关的而且这真没什么意外的。
A direct correlation to damaged blood vessels in kids hadn't previously been shown. 但之前的研究并未表明,儿童体内受损的血管与超重有什么直接的关系。
'I personally do not see direct correlation between the length of fiction and its quality,' Mr. Lao said. 劳马说,但我个人并不认为小说的长度和质量有直接关系。
And the developing country enterprise technology ability's enhancement is and its foreign direct investment growth direct correlation. 并且发展中国家企业技术能力的提高是与其对外直接投资的增长直接相关的。
Remarkably, cortisol increased in direct correlation to implied volatility, a measure of expected future variance in asset prices. 出乎意外地的是,皮质醇上涨与用来测量预期将来资产价格变动的隐含波动率呈正相关。
We found a direct correlation between the level of competition among T cells and the rate at which the virus escaped. 我们发现了T细胞竞争的水平和逃避免疫的病毒相对数量之间的直接联系。
Nevertheless, there is no direct correlation between spending and outcomes. 然而,支出和结果之间没有必然联系。
The committee claims there is a direct correlation between Chinese banks 'risk assessments of potential foreign projects and the strategic interests of the political leadership in Beijing. 该委员会声称,在中国各银行对潜在外国项目的风险评估和北京政治领导层的战略利益之间存在直接关联。
If it means that the effect of a transformation in one's career has a direct correlation to a positive impact on society, then that needs to be celebrated. 如果这意味着一个人职业生涯的转变能够直接给社会带来正面影响,这就很值得庆祝了。
Furthermore, there was a direct correlation between brain activity and performance in the blind. 更重要的是,在盲人大脑中在活动与表现之间有直接的关联。
Under normal circumstances, there is no direct correlation between food and fashion. 正常情况下,食物与时尚并没有太大联系;
They found that the amount of fat a person had deposited around organs and in between muscles had a direct correlation to the amount of hard, calcified plaque they had. 他们发现,金额发一个人交存了周围的器官和肌肉之间的(nonsubcutaneous发)产生了直接的相关金额的努力,钙化斑块他们。
As can be seen in the results of our benchmarks, there is a direct correlation between the amount of memory allocated in a test and the time taken for that test to complete. 在我们的评测结果中你可以看到,在测试中分配的内存数量和完成测试所需的时间之间有直接关系。
For most sovereigns there is a direct correlation between their banks and performance on the football pitch: both are lousy. 对多数国家来说,其银行和足球队的表现存在着直接关联:表现得都相当差劲。
This is fast food healthy or not, and there is no direct correlation! 这与快餐食品的健康与否并没有直接的关联!
They are interested in studying whether a direct correlation exists between bacterial infection and flare-ups in Crohn's disease. 他们对研究细菌感染和急性的克罗恩病发作是否存在直接相关感兴趣。
In many instances the direct correlation between weather and revenues is not obvious. 在很多情况下,天气和运营收入的直接关系不是那么明显。
Conclusion: There is a direct correlation between continual changes and improvement in wushu competition rules and the characteristics, nature, essence and competitive values of wushu. 结论:武术竞赛规则的修改与完善,与武术的本质特点、内容形式、技击内涵、竞技性价值有直接的关系。
However, this is the first time that evidence of a direct correlation between finger length, age and heart attacks has ever been reported. 不过,对于手指长度、年龄和心脏病之间有直接关系的证据还是首次发表。
The problem is that there is no direct correlation between someone's nonverbal behavior and their honesty. "Shiftiness" could also be the result of being nervous, angry, distracted or sad. 而问题在于,一个人的非言语行为表现和其诚实度之间是没有直接关联的。紧张、生气、分神或者悲伤的表现都可能被误读为是在“耍诡计”。
Reason for this measurement: There is a direct correlation between time customers spend in a store and how much they buy. 也可通过手工技术实现。测量这个的原因:可以找出顾客逗留时间与他们购买量的关联。
Because of China's capital controls, there is little direct correlation between Chinese companies 'mainland and offshore share prices, but yesterday, H shares also recovered, closing up more than 3 per cent. 由于中国的资本控制,中国企业在大陆股市的价格和在海外市场的价格没多大直接相关性,但在昨天,香港的H股市场也大幅反弹,收盘上涨3%以上。
Hence, not only is there no direct correlation between freedom and power, but one may need to renounce to some power in the name of code quality. 所以,自由与强大之间不但没有必然联系,而且我们很有可能为了代码质量而放弃一些强大的功能。